Special of the Month

Monday, November 3, 2014 7:47PMBy Ben Kurtz |

I’m sure you’ve heard the old saying “when it rains it pours”.  It’s interesting how things seem to come around in groups.  Around here when we get several inquiries about similar applications in a short period of time, we like to joke about the fact that we must be “running a special” on that application.  Apparently at the moment, we’re “running a special” on Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) enclosures, Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) enclosures, and Pre-assembled buildings.  Some are making the request because we specialize in industrial strength steel buildings.  For others, it’s because we make a modular panelized product that is efficient in installation.  For still more, it’s because we will spend time to help them with small buildings that many large companies refuse to spend time and effort on.  No matter what the reason, we’re happy to help with the challenge.

If you have any building or enclosure needs and are looking for someone to make the problem go away.  Give us a call, even if it’s just preliminary.  We’re always “running a special” on problem solving.