A Culture of Customer Service

Monday, May 19, 2014 8:40PMBy Steve Kneifl |

Government Specialist

Customer Service at Kelly Klosure is rooted in one simple theme; “Treat our customers as we would like to be treated.”

The practical application of that theme?

  • Having a real person as opposed to an answering system,  receive and transfer your call when you dial Kelly Klosure
  • Having industry experts available to discuss your needs and respond with building and enclosure solutions
  • Respond with timely estimates and solutions with-in 24 hours, or if the solution requires special engineering to give you a realistic estimate of the time required to develop the solution.
  • Follow through on delivery commitments
  • Provide after sale service by phone or on-site to make sure the product and service has met the customer’s expectations
  • Have an “after hours” contact in case of emergency needs

This is how we show our appreciation to you for coming to Kelly Klosure for your building and enclosure needs.

This is our commitment to you.

If this sounds appealing to you - request a quote or call us at 800-228-7230.